Telephone English

Reza and Craig agree that speaking on the phone in a foreign language is one of most difficult things to do. You can’t see the other person, so you have no body language, hand gestures or facial communication.


To dial = marcar
To put (s.o.) through = pasar/poner a alguien
“Don’t put any calls through for the next hour” – No pases ninguna llamada en la próxima hora
“I’m putting you through now.” – Ahora le paso (or pongo)
To hold (the line) = esperar (¡no cuelgue!) old phone
To hang up = colgar
To give (s.o.) a ring/call = llamar a alguien
To phone/call (s.o.) back = volver a llamar (a alguien)
The line’s busy/engaged = está comunicando
Leave/take a message = dejar/tomar un recado
ring tone – tono de llamada


Identifying yourself

Hi, it’s Reza speaking.
Hello, this is Craig = Soy Craig NOT I am Craig
Good morning, my name’s Craig.

Reason for phoning

I’m ringing/calling/phoning to let you know …..
I’m ringing/I’m calling/I’m phoning to ask if …..
I’m ringing/I’m calling/I’m phoning to find out if…..
I’m ringing/I’m calling/I’m phoning because I was wondering if …..

Asking for people

Could I/May I speak to Craig, please?
I’d like to speak to Craig
Is Craig there, please?
Could you put Craig on, please?

I’m afraid… = me temo que… I’m afraid Reza is not here/in the office

Asking for things

Could you…..(+infinitive without to)
Could you ring me back later.
Could you ask/get + PERSON to ring/call me back (later)?
Could you tell me what time the restaurant closes

Would you mind………(+ing)
Would you mind sending me some information.
Would you mind asking + PERSON to get back to me, please?

To review polite indirect questions go to Episode 50.

Would you mind asking Reza to get back to me, please?
I’ll get back to you.

I was wondering = estaba pensando…
I was wondering if we could get together next week.

Giving your phone number

My number is ……
You can get me on …….
You can get in touch on/You can contact me on …..

Ending the conversation

To get back to someone = volver a llamar a alguien
I’ll get back to you tomorrow.

Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Thanks a lot then. See you.
Thanks for phoning. All the best. Bye.

Do you like speaking on the phone? (in Spanish?)
Do you ever prepare for phone calls before you make them?
What’s your preferred method of communication with people?

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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