
Abogado/a – Lawyer (be careful of the pronunciation. Don’t confuse it with liar.)
Granjero/a (agricultor/a) – Farmer
Arqueólogo/a – Archaeologist
Arquitecto/a – Architect
Basurero/a – Dustman (U.K.) / Garbage collector (U.S.A.)., Also ‘refuse collector’ and ‘binman’.
Biólogo – Biologist
Cajera/0 – Cashier
Camionero/a – Lorry driver (U.K.) / Truck driver (U.S.A.)
Carnicero/a – Butcher
Cirujano/a – Surgeon
Electricista – Electrician
Enfermero/a – Nurse
Farmacéutico/a – Pharmacist / chemist
Físico/a – Physicist
Fontanero/a – Plumber
Ingeniero/a – Engineer
Monje – Monk
Monja – Nun
Niñera – Nanny / Nursemaid
Panadero/a – Baker
Peluquero/a – Hairdresser
Periodista – Journalist
Psicólogo/a – Psychologist
Psiquiatra / Siquiatra – Psychiatrist
Sacerdote / Sacerdotisa – priest
Veterinario/a – Veterinary surgeon; vet (U.K.) ; Veterinarian (USA)
Traductor/a – translator
Mensajero/a – courier
Albañil – bricklayer, builder
Banquero/a – banker
Político/a – politician
Cocinero/a – cook, chef
Masajista – masseur (male), masseuse (female), massage therapist
Esteticista – beautician, beauty specialist
Torero/a, matador/a – bullfighter
Músico/a – musician
Peón – labourer
Obrero/a – worker
Obrero/a de fábrica – factory worker
Peón agrícola, trabajador/a del campo – farm worker, farmhand
Taxista – taxi driver

Think of 2 jobs that……..

…can be done from home: podcaster, writer, administrative work, translators
…do not exist anymore: typist, street gas-lighter, town crier
…young children typically want to do: police officer, firefighter, model, footballer
…are overpaid: footballers, models, bankers
…can be done by robots: production line (car manufacture), some farm work
…require absolutely no intelligence: model, fruitpicker
…will be most needed in the future: IT specialists, psychologists
…you would really hate to do: binman/dustman, prison warden, bathroom attendent

Do you think that having ‘a job for life’ is a thing of the past?
Is the most important thing about a job the salary?
If you won the lottery, would you stop working?

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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