1. There's so much red
tape involved in this country when it comes
to getting a driving licence or residency papers.
2. When they asked me to make a presentation at the meeting, they
caught me completely off guard.
3. I don't know exactly how much the project's going to cost, but a
ballpark figure would be about 200,000 euros.
4. I wanted to invest in a start-up in Laos, but my partner talked me
out of it.
5. The concept looks wonderful in the planning stage. When do you think
we'll be able to get the project off the ground?
6. I have to get up early tomorrow so I shouldn't really go to the pub,
if you twist my arm I might go for a quick drink.
más Ejercicios de Inglés Comercial y de Negocios
con respuesta para practicar.