1. Ever since the war in
the middle east, petrol prices have gone through the roof.
2. I just wanted to touch base with you and see how you’re doing and how
is going for you.
3. We’ve been working on this since 8 o’clock this morning and we
haven’t made
any progress. I’m so tired I can't think anymore. Let’s call it a day
and carry on
4. I’m not sure what the market price is for this product at the moment,
but off the
top of my head, I’d say around 40 or 50 euros.
5. We can’t use this design. We’ll have to start again. All the work
we’ve put in over
the last two months has gone down the drain.
más Ejercicios de Inglés Comercial y de Negocios
con respuesta para practicar.