Grammar: The imperative eat drink and
be merry
“Eat!”, “Drink!”
“Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die.”
“Don’t eat that!”
The imperative is the base form of the
verb (the infinitive without ‘to’: “eat”, “drink”, “Stop”, “go” etc.)
“Don’t walk on the grass” (the negative)
“Don’t be silly”
“Do not do that!”
“Do not leave your clothes on the floor!”
Vocabulary: American colloquial English
Mobile (or mobile phone) (UK) – Cell (or cell phone) – (US)
“Where you at?” (Where are you? – ¿Dónde estas?)
the check (la cuenta) (US) / the bill (la cuenta) UK
Your check will be $42 (Your check is $42) But in UK we say “That’ll be
…. or It’ll be…..”
“Would you like a bag today, sir?” – No, but I’ll have one tomorrow!
“True that!” (That’s true – tienes razón, eso es verdad) True dat!
Rafael: Hi! everyday I find a new podcast which is to me a reason of joy
(CORRECTION: A REASON TO BE HAPPY), I have heard all of them a few
You must to be both, two very good teachers of English, you make it easy
and fun.
I like specially those idioms or proverbs and I realise that each one of
them has an equivalent in Spanish.
For instance ” You can’t have your cake and eat it too”
“Teta y sopa no caben en la boca” or “No se puede estar en misa y
repicando” (you can’t be in mass and ringing the bells)
And this other one… “Never in a month of Sundays” ” Cuando las ranas
crien pelo” (when frogs grow some hair)
Thank you for everything
KEEP LISTENING! (Imperative)
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