Gramática: The Future


Reza: Are you going on holiday any time soon?
Craig: Yes, I am. Hopefully I’m going on holiday soon.

Reza: Where are you going to stay?
Craig is going to stay with his friend in Sydney, Australia.

Use ‘going to’ for future plans.

Reza: What will the weather be like?
Craig thinks it’ll (it will) be cold. It will be winter in Australia.

Use ‘will’ for predictions about the future: ‘Craig thinks it’ll probably be cold.’

Use ‘going to’ for predictions based on current evidence: ‘Look at those clouds, it’s going to rain.’
‘Look at that woman. She’s pregnant. She’s going to have a baby.’
‘Look at that boy, he’s going to fall off the bike.’

Use ‘will’ for spontaneous decisions made at the time of speaking: ‘I think I’ll have the fish’

Use present continuous for future plans:

Craig: What are you doing this evening?
Reza: I’m watching TV. (también puedes decir ‘I’m going to watch TV.’

- The pronunciation of ‘going to’ is sometimes ‘gonna’.
- Don’t use the present continuous for future plans with some stative verbs like ‘be’.
- The present simple is often use to refer to the futue when we talk about timetables (los horarios)

‘The train for Barcelona leaves at five o’clock.’

- You can also use ‘will’ to talk about something that will definitely happen in the future. ‘We will come back to this in another episode.’ / ‘The sun will rise tomorrow.’

Vocabulary Corner: Restaurants

Does Reza have a favourite restaurant in Valencia?
Reza likes Casa Botella, Calle Pintor Salvador, Rusafa, Valencia. You can see the video with Reza ‘A Day in the Life of an English Teacher’ on our YouTube channel
Book a table – reservar una mesa – ‘I’d like to book a table for four.’
How do you ask for the menu/wine list? the menu = la carta, the wine list = la carta de vinos. – ‘Could I see the menu, please?’ / ‘Could/Can I have a look at the menu, please?’
‘We’re ready to order.’ / ‘We’d like to order now.’ (to order = pedir)
starter / main course / dessert (or ‘pudding’, or ‘sweet’) – ¡OJO! – desert (desierto), dessert (postre)
Pay the bill (UK) / check (US) (La cuenta)
Leave a tip (una propina)

*Si estás especialmente interesado en el mundo de la restauración consulta nuestro "Curso de Inglés para Hostelería y Restauración"

Phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs con dos partículas


Craig: Are you looking forward to anything at the moment?
Reza: I’m looking forward to my Easter break.

Este tipo de multi-word verb tiene significado idiomático y el objeto no puede cambiar de posición.

X I’m looking forward my birthday to X

Si pones un verbo detras, siempre será en gerundio: ‘I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.’, ‘I’m looking forward to hearing from you.’


‘The bank robbers got away with 50,000 pounds.’ (escapar)
‘They got away with robbing the post office.’

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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