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Tom Sawyer – Part Seventy-four

Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.

1. Why did the boys go back to the dead tree the following day?

2. What day of the week was it?

3. What did Huck dream about?

4. Who does Tom say Robin Hood never stole from?

5. According to Tom, what could Robin Hood hit with his bow and arrow from two kilometres away?

Now read the text and answer the questions.

About noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree. They had come to collect their tools. Tom was impatient to go to the haunted house. Huck was too, but he suddenly said,

"Hey, Tom, do you know what day it is?"

Tom quickly calculated the days of the week in his head and looked up in surprise.

"Wow! I never once thought of it, Huck!"

"Well, I didn't either, but all at once it occurred to me that it was Friday."

"We can't be too careful, Huck. We might get into a lot of trouble doing this on a Friday."

"Might? I think we definitely would! There are some lucky days, maybe, but Friday is not one of them."

"Any idiot knows that. I don't think you were the first that discovered that, Huck."

"Well, I never said I was, did I? And it’s not only because it’s Friday, either. I had a really bad dream last night. I dreamt about rats."

"Really? That’s a sure sign of trouble. Did they fight?"


"Well, that's good, Huck. When they don't fight it's only a sign that there's trouble in other places, you know. All we’ve got to do is to be careful and keep out of any trouble.

Let’s forget about this thing for today and go and play. Do you know Robin Hood, Huck?"

"No. Who's Robin Hood?"

"He was one of the greatest men that was ever in England, and the best. He was a thief."

"I wish I was. Who did he rob?"

"Only sheriffs and bishops and rich people and kings, and people like that. But he never stole from the poor. He loved them. He always gave money he stole to the poor."Diccionario online

"Well, he must have been a good guy."

"I’m sure he was, Huck. Oh, he was the noblest man that ever lived. There aren’t many men like him around these days. He could beat any man in England, with one hand tied behind his back. And he he could hit a ten-cent coin with his bow and arrow from two kilometres away."

"Let’s play Robin Hood. It’ll be fun. I'll teach you."

"OK. Let’s do it!."

So they played Robin Hood all afternoon. From time to time they looked down at the haunted house and said something about tomorrow's possibilities there.

As the sun began to set into the west they started to walk home in the long shadows of the trees and said goodbye for the day.

... to be continued!

* The text has been adapted from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain

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*Consulta un PDF con la información y resumen de 100 libros en inglés
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Tom Sawyer – Part Seventy-five

Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.

1. When did the boys go back to the dead tree?

2. Where did the boys go after digging in the hole for a while?

3. What two adjectives are used to describe the fireplace?

4. Where did the boys go when they started to feel more confident?

5. Which item of furniture disappointed the boys?

Now read the text and answer the questions.
On Saturday, just after midday, the boys were back at the dead tree again.

They had a smoke and a chat in the shade, and then dug a little in their last hole, not with great hope or enthusiasm, but because Tom said there were so many cases where people had given up finding a treasure after getting within six inches of it, and then
somebody else had come along and found it after only digging for a minute.

This time, however, they had no luck, so the boys picked up their tools and went away feeling that they had not given up on luck, but had done everything they could as far as the business of treasure-hunting was concerned.

When they arrived at the haunted house there was something very weird and strange about the complete silence there under the baking sun, and something so depressing about the loneliness and desolation of the place, that they were afraid, for a moment, to go in.

Eventually, they walked silently up to the door and looked inside.

They saw a room with no floor that was full of weeds, an ancient, broken fireplace, windows with no glass, part of an old staircase. There were cobwebs everywhere.

They quietly went inside, nervously talking in whispers. They listened intently to catch the slightest sound, ready for instant retreat.

After a while, they began to relax and became curious. Their confidence grew and they decided to look upstairs.

They put their tools in a corner and climbed the old staircase. The upstairs part of the house was just a badly ruined as downstairs. They found a wardrobe that promised mystery, but there was nothing in it.

By this time, the boys were full of courage. They were about to go downstairs andbegin work when suddenly,

"Shh!" said Tom.

"What is it?" whispered Huck, turning white with fright.

"Sh! ... There! ... Do you hear it?"Diccionario online

"Yes! ... Oh, C’mon! Let's run!"

"No! Stay still! Don't run! Stay still! They're coming right toward the door."

The boys lay down on the floor and looked through small holes in the wood.

"They've stopped.... No, they’re still coming.... Here they are. Don't say another word, Huck."

... to be continued!

* The text has been adapted from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain

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*Consulta un PDF con la información y resumen de 100 libros en inglés
que puedes descargar en 1 único archivo.


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