Josep’s True English Story

It’s about diving, meaning SCUBA diving. With compressed air tanks. ‘It’s Josep’s field’. By the way, do you know that SCUBA is an acronym?
SCUBA = self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

Snorkelling – diving using a snorkel, which is a breathing tube

He ‘ended up’ living in the Maldives
He was ‘thrilled by the beauty of the country’.
‘Off I went’ = I went
‘A six-month contract’ = a contract of six months
‘The bottom line is…’

Why did Josep go to the Maldives?

How many years did Josep stay in the Maldives?
What does Josep suggest as a way of improving your English?

Why did Josep go to the Maldives? – to teach people how to dive (he’s a diving instructor)
How many years did Josep stay in the Maldives? – 16 years
What does Josep suggest as a way of improving your English? – go and live and work in an English-speaking country for a couple of years.

Craig’s panic attack while diving in New Zealand.
PADI diving licence
Knight’s Island

A diving ‘buddy’
wetsuit – traje de neopreno, traje de buzo
novice – novato

Have you ever suffered from a panic attack?
Have you ever been scuba diving?
How can listeners go abroad and find work? – How did you do it?

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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