We looked at some useful academic vocabulary in episode 87

Here are a few more expressions:
To do/sit/take an exam

To redo/resit/retake an exam (if you fail first time round!) – to do resits

To do a degree in ___________ eg. I’m doing a degree in Physics at Oxford (University)
(A career = a long-term profession/job, NOT a degree. eg. Peter had a 30-year career as a policeman until he retired.)

Higher education (HE) = university (UK)/college (USA) level education

Further education (FE) = education after leaving school, eg. a technical college, an agricultural college, a catering college, etc.

Tertiary education = anything after Primary then Secondary education = FE or HE

There are four main degree levels: associate, bachelors, masters, and doctorate.

Associate Degrees
2-year courses for things like nursing, graphic design and other vocational areas. – community colleges and technical schools.

Completing an associate degree program qualify you to get a job.
The most common degrees available at the associate level include:

Associate of Arts (A.A.)
Associate of Science (A.S.)
Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Bachelor’s Degrees
Undergraduate program – 4 years usually – major area of study, such as finance, history, communications or biology.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S./B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)

Master’s Degrees
Master’s degree programs are graduate programs that let you specialize in an area of study.
Usually take 1-2 years to complete.
Many master’s degree programs need you to write a thesis for graduation.

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Science (M.S./M.Sc.)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Doctoral Degrees
Doctoral degree programs, also known as Ph.D. programs, are the most advanced type of degree program available. Admittance may require individuals to hold a master’s degree, although several programs accept candidates who only hold bachelor’s degrees.

Completing a Ph.D. program usually takes several years, and often involves the completion of a dissertation and a major research project.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

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