Common Collocations with KEEP, SAVE and GO

KEEP (guardar, conservar)

“Don’t drink all the water. We need to keep some for tomorrow.”
Quedarse con – “I’ve decided to keep this microphone and not return it to the shop.”
Guardar, almacenar – “Where do you keep the sugar?’
Criar – “My aunt Mary has kept bees for over forty years.”
Seguir (continue) – ‘He kept working until six o’clock.’ / ‘Keep walking until you get to the beach.’

keep a promise (make and break)
keep a secret – Are you good or bad at keeping secrets?
keep an appointment (make and cancel)
keep calm (and carry on) – mantener la calma / tranquilizarse
keep in touch (with) – seguir en contacto / get in touch
Keep in mind – no olvidar, tener en cuenta
keep quiet
keep the change
keep it real! – ¡sé sincero!
keep your chin up
keep taking the tablets!
keep your nose out of someone’s business
keep your hair on! = Don’t get angry!
keep well out of it/something


save money
save someone a seat – Would you mind saving me a seat? / Would you like me to save you a seat?
save someone’s life
save space – that’s very important in my flat
save time
save someone the trouble
save something to the hard disk/a USB


go somewhere physically – go to the supermarket (remember the preposition TO – Have you been to Paris?), go abroad / overseas
go jogging, skiing, sailing, snowboarding, trekking, fishing etc
go bald – quedarse calvo
go grey – encanecerse
go out of business / go bankrupt – ir a la quiebra, bancarrota
go blind – ciego/a , deaf – sordo/a
go crazy / mad – He’s gone completely mad!
go wild – enloquecer
go dark – oscurecer
go missing – My phone’s gone missing
go online – I’ll just go online and check my emails
go to war – Would you go to war to defend your country?

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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