Alan Davies in my Taxi!

I’ve been an Alan Davies fan for as long as I can remember. He was born in 1996, three years after me, and he went to school not far from where I grew up in London.
Alan is a British comedian and actor. He’s stared in many TV series and quiz shows and he’s a household name for many people who, like me, grew up watching TV in the 80s and 90s.
Imagine my surprise then when one day he jumped in the back of my taxi and handed me a piece of paper with an address on it. It was a recording studio and he was going there to record a radio show for the BBC.
One thing I’ve always liked about Alan is the approachability he projects. He comes across as totally genuine and very easy to talk to. Indeed, this is definitely the case. We started chatting and within minutes I felt like I had known him all my life.
I knew he had two daughters, so we talked about them for a while and then I asked him where he gets his ideas and inspiration from. He said that he takes it from where he is in life at any particular moment and his relationships with other people at that time.
We also talked about football, he’s a big Arsenal fan, and we also spoke about travel and places he’s visited that he’d like to go back to. India is top of his list, and that really surprised me.
Time flew by, and very soon we’d reached the studio. He gave me a nice big tip and said goodbye with a smile and a handshake. What a nice guy!

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