Video Games

I remember when the first popular video game came out in 1972. It was called Pong and it resembled a game of ping pong. You hit an electronic ball backwards and forwards across a screen. It was simple, but I loved it.
Space invaders was released about five years after Pong and it seemed to be in absolutely every pub and club in London. Space Invaders was a welcome distraction for geeks when girls didn’t seem to want to talk to them.
Pac-man came on the scene then and it became insanely popular. It is said that the Pac-man shape is based on a pizza with two slices missing.
Super Mario Brothers from Nintendo had the plot of a plumber rescuing a princess from a fire-breathing turtle. Who would not want to do that? Mario became one of the fastest-selling video games of all time.
Tomb Raider, which came out in 1996, was on the PlayStation platform and featured the very first female star, the heroine Lara Croft.
World of Warcraft was next in 2004. It still holds up as one of the biggest multiplayer online role-playing games of all time. In its prime, this game had more than 100 million registered users.
Minecraft lets people build, create and alter environments by making, placing and destroying blocks. It’s a very social game, and in this is one reason for its huge popularity.
Videos games have come a long way since Pong and it’s now a multi-million-dollar industry. Do you have a favourite game?

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