Compound adjectives

The journey lasts three hours – It’s a three-hour journey
It’s a 10-kilometre trip – The trip is 10 kilometres
How to avoid personal questions

How to avoid personal questions

What kind of questions, and in what kind of situations, could be difficult, inappropriate and/or embarrassing?

filling in a form
applying for a service or product (online or face to face)
meeting someone for the first time and making small talk
job interviews

(to deflect – desviar)

Are the following expressions “Asking a personal question”(Q) or “Responding to a personal question”(R)?

Why do you ask? (R)
That’s got nothing to do with you. (R)
I know this is a bit personal, but… (Q)
Can I ask you a personal question? (Q)
That’s rather a personal question. (R)
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but…(Q)
I’m afraid that’s none of your business. (R)
I’d rather not answer that (if you don’t mind). (R)
I know this is a bit nosey, but…(Q) (nosey = entrometido/a, indiscreto/a, ‘meter las narices’)
Mind your own business! (R) SHOWS ANNOYANCE
I don’t mean to pry, but….(Q) – (to pry – entrometerse)
I’m sorry to say I’m not prepared to answer that. (R)
No comment. (R)
I don’t want/wish to comment on that. (R)
If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask….(Q)
Would it bother you if I asked…(Q)
I’ll understand if you don’t want/wish to answer, but…(Q)
I’d rather you asked me something else. (R)
Forgive me for asking, but…(Q)
If it’s not too personal,…(Q)
Let’s change the topic, (shall we?) (R)
You’ve got some nerve asking that! (R) SHOWS ANNOYANCE
That’s for me to know (and you to find out – SHOWS PLAYFULNESS) (R)


I know this is a bit nosey, but how much money do you earn? – Let’s change the topic, shall we?
Forgive me for asking, but are you married? – I’d rather not answer that if you don’t mind.
I don’t mean to pry, but how much do you weigh? – Why do you ask? Perhaps we should move on to another topic.
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how much rent do you pay for your flat? – Why do you ask?
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you ever taken drugs? – No comment!
Forgive me for asking, but how much did you pay for that shirt? – Let’s change the topic.
How old are you? – Let’s change the topic, shall we?
I know this is a bit nosey, but who did you vote for in the last election? – I’d rather not answer that, if you don’t mind.
Have you got a boy/girlfriend?
Do you fancy anybody? / Do you have a crush on anybody?
I know this is a bit personal, but how many people have you slept with? – I’d rather not answer that, if you don’t mind.
Did you sleep with her/him last night? – Mind your own business!!
How do you make your humous so tasty? What’s your secret recipe/ingredient?
I don’t want to pry, but what size trousers do you take? What size are you?

(to have a crush on someone – encapricharse con alguien)

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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