Vocabulary: Adjectives of Character

How would you describe Mamen? – cool, laid-back, generous and kind and friendly.
Use ‘a bit…’ to moderate a negative adjective. “She’s a bit unfriendly.”
‘Quite’ before an adjective can mean ‘very’ or ‘a little’, depending on the stress adn intonation.
“Reza’s QUITE friendly.” – He’s very friendly.
“Reza’s QUITE friendly.” (rising intonation) – He’s a bit friendly, but not very.

despistado – forgetful, absent-minded
ambicioso – ambitious
pesado – annoying, irritating, boring, tiresome (a pain in the neck!)
discutidor – argumentative
malhumorado– bad-tempered
creído – big-headed
de mala leche, venenoso – bitchy
valiente – brave
descuidado, poco cuidadoso – careless
prudente – cautious
presumido – conceited, full of oneself
cobarde – cowardly
encantador – charming
alegre, jovial – cheerful
soso, aburrido – dull, boring
coqueta – flirtatious
amigable, simpático, agradable – friendly, amiable (formal)
amable – kind
tranquilo, relajado – laid-back
perezoso, vago – lazy
fiel – loyal
tacaño – mean, tight, stingy
de humor cambiante – moody
ingenuo, inocentón – naive
malo, travieso (niños) – naughty (children)
de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios – open-minded, broad-minded
de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante – narrow-minded
cortés, educado – polite
orgulloso – proud
fiable, confiable – reliable, trustworthy
seguro de sí mismo – self-confident
egoísta – selfish
sensato – sensible
sensible – sensitive
tímido, vergonzoso – shy
estricto, severo, riguroso – strict
terco, testarudo, tozudo – stubborn, obstinate (“as stubborn as a donkey”)
comprensivo – sympathetic (understanding)
conversador, hablador – talkative, chatty
digno de confianza – trustworthy
raro, extraño – weird, strange, odd


ambitious – un – unambitious
careless – careful
cheerful – cheerless
friendly – unfriendly
kind – unkind
polite – impolite
loyal – disloyal
reliable – unreliable
sensitive – insensitive
selfish – unselfish, selfless
sympathetic – unsympathetic
talkative – untalkative
trustworthy – untrustworthy

Choose 3 positive and 3 negative that describe Reza and Craig.
Reza thinks that Craig is friendly, kind and trustworthy. Craig thinks that he’s laid-back, polite and kind.
Reza thinks that Craig is also overgenerous and fanatical about Mickey Mouse.
Reza thinks that he is also trustworthy, talkative and sensitive. Craig thinks that Reza is trustworthy, kind and cheerful.
Reza thinks that he is annoying, selfish and unambitious. Craig doesn’t think that Reza is lazy and stubborn, but he thinks that of himself. He thinks Reza can sometimes be naive, but in a good way.
What’s Craig’s least favourite trait/characteristic in:
a) a friend – untrustworthiness, dishonesty
b) a lover – untrustworthiness, dishonesty
c) a work colleague – selfishness, dishonesty
What’s Reza’s least favourite trait/characteristic in:
a) a friend – untrustworthiness
b) a lover – unfaithfulness
c) a work colleague – unreliablity
What charateristics does Craig lack: consistency
Reza would like to be irresistible to women
What are the main characteristics of Martin Luther King – perserverance
James Bond – irresistible, cool. cold-blooded
Mickey Mouse – big-eared, humourous, funny, entertaining, magnetic, charming, friendly, laid-back

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