Liz goes horse riding

"Can I ride my horse today, dad?" Liz asked her dad. Liz loved to ride her horse. She rode her horse almost every Saturday.
Today was Tuesday, but she had done her homework and it was a lovely sunny day.
"Have you finished your homework?” Liz’s dad asked.
“Yes, it’s all done!” replied Liz.
Okay then, go and get ready," her dad said.
Liz was happy. She went into her bedroom. She put on her red riding socks and her black riding boots.
She took down her black riding hat from the top shelf and put it on her head. Then, she went downstairs.
"I'm going to wait in the car," she told her dad.
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," her dad said. Liz opened the car door.
She sat down in the front seat. She was excited.

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