Many Healthcare Workers Need to
Know English
It would be difficult to overstate the importance of nurses. They
provide about 90 percent of all health care services worldwide.
As important as nurses are, many countries are experiencing a shortage.
The World Health Organization has noted the huge need for health care
workers worldwide, especially nurses and midwives. Even the United
States and other English-speaking nations have massive shortages.
But no matter what country nurses work in, at some point in their
careers, they may be required to communicate in English. The reason is
simple: The use of English in medical settings worldwide continues to
When you think of nurses, you might imagine hospitals. But nurses work
in countless other places, such as health clinics, schools, private
homes and assisted living centers. They work on military bases, in
refugee camps and in disaster situations around the world.
There are also many specializations within nursing. Surgery, cardiac
care, oncology, midwifery and anesthesia are just a few examples.
Throughout their career, nurses may work in one or many specialized
Charlotte Nwogwugwu knows all about nursing, having worked in a number
of specializations and settings.
During her 13 years in health care, she has
served as a surgical nurse, orthopedic nurse, psychiatric nurse and
global health nurse. She has also taken students overseas for their
field experience in global health. A native of Nigeria, Nwogwugwu
studied nursing in the U.S. and holds a doctorate degree in public
health. She is now Assistant Professor-Global Health at the University
of Maryland School of Nursing.
She joins us by phone to talk about nursing and some of the language
challenges and victories that come with the job.
AB: Thanks again for being with us today.
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: You’re very welcome.
AB: Could you tell us a little bit about what you enjoy most about your
work as a nursing professional?
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: One of the major things that I truly enjoy about
nursing is the diversity in the role.
The core of what truly drives me is the ability to connect with people
because, at the end of the day, I am a carer at heart. And, it’s still
people that make my work valuable.
So, when I talk about the diversity in the role, it really is centered
around connecting with people and how that inspires me to keep going to
do what it is I do.
So, I always look at it from that perspective – whereby what it is I am
doing with this individual patient is going to impact the lives of other
people, not just that patient but their family members.
AB: OK great. In a typical day on the job, maybe in an interaction
between nurse and patient, are there common expressions and terms that
they might use?
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: Absolutely. One of the things that we are doing as
nurses is that we are assessing this patient the moment we walk in. And
by that, I mean we really are assessing their level of consciousness. We
are assessing their pain. So, to do that, to be able to assess…how alert
the patient is, I would ask the patient questions like, “Can you tell me
your name?” and “What is your date of birth?”
And, of course, I’ve had patients – many, very many – who may be a bit
confused. Maybe they may not be able to tell me their date of birth, so
I would further probe and ask questions like, “Can you tell me what
today is?” or what day of the week it is, or who the president is.
AB: So, could you give me an example of how a language barrier may
impact a nurse’s interaction with a patient? Or you can talk about with
a doctor, other health professionals.
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: Some nurses – maybe for those from Nigeria, for
example, which is where I’m from…when we are speaking to individuals in
positions of authority or even to patients that are elderly, we -
A. don’t call them by name and B. would use expressions or phrases such
as, “Yes, ma.” And, for some individuals, they may find that offensive,
because they don’t know what that means. But, from a cultural
perspective, that is actually a sign of respect.
I think that when we have nurses who speak a different language, there
are also different terminologies that kind of make it challenging. For
example, it wasn’t until I came to the United States that I understood
that “pants” [in Nigeria] were actually underwear [in the U.S.].
But then there are some biases between the nurse as well as the patient,
in terms of 'the nurse does not have a quote American accent so perhaps
they may not be able to provide the quality of the care that I expect.'
AB: So, how can – or do – nurses overcome such challenges?
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: I think that nurses, at least in my experience,
have truly done an amazing job with overcoming this. And by this, I mean
becoming lifelong learners.
I was really open about my own deficits in terms of what I didn’t know,
what I needed to learn because that truly is one of the first steps to
really be able to make the change or improve your own quality as a nurse
and your own ability to speak the English language fluently. And for me,
also, it is important that I practice. And, a lot of nurses will tell
you that they do do that.
I’m a firm believer that it takes a village. So…administrators in
hospitals also need to take an interest in the nurse workforce and also
identify this [strengthening English skills] as an area of improvement.
AB: That’s a great, very thorough answer and it partially answers my
next question. So, if someone were interested in the nursing field, what
path of study do you suggest for a foreigner who wants to become a nurse
in an English-speaking country?
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: I truly believe that the individual has to make
that personal decision whether they would want to study in their own
country or here.
Now, with that said, if an individual studies, say, in Spain, for
example, or in Nigeria…or whatever country it is, for them to become a
nurse – a licensed nurse – here, they still have to take the board exams.
So, ya know, my response is really – they have to make that personal
decision as to where they would want to get their degree from.
AB: OK great. Well, thank you so much.
CHARLOTTE NWOGWUGWU: Thank you. You’re very welcome.
And, in addition to her job as a global health professor, Nwogwugwu
continues to practice nursing. She works part-time at the Perry Point VA
Medical Center in Maryland. |