Voice assistants

‘How can I improve my speaking skills and my pronunciation in English?’ is a question we often get asked here at La Mansión del Inglés. Well, have you thought of using a voice assistant?
Google, Apple and Amazon all have voice assistants powered by artificial intelligence and you can change the language easily from Spanish to English.

Apple’s Siri, Google’s assistant and Amazon’s Alexa are able to have basic conversations with you in English provided you speak clearly enough for it to understand. And that’s the key! If your pronunciation is below par, these devices with let you know by not answering you!
Of course, it’s also possible that communication will break down because the device doesn’t have an answer, or perhaps the AI isn’t advanced enough to deal with your query. But surveys say that Amazon’s Alexa, for example, gives wrong replies only 22 times out of a hundred. That’s not bad! If you’re getting more than 22% failed queries, perhaps you need to work on your pronunciation! By the way, Google gives wrong replies 25% of the time and Siri is the worst with a 43% failure rate.
So, if you have one of these devices in your home or on your phone, why not change the language to English and have a chat with it? Start with something simple, like the weather or asking the time, then you can see how it syncs with tasks like dictating emails and messages, setting alarms and booking taxis and ordering online.
Don’t forget that if you prefer a more human conversation partner, we recommend our podcast sponsor, italki who will give you a free $10 voucher when you sign up and pay for your first online lesson with a real English teacher.
Hey Google! Go to inglespodcast and sign me up!
Sorry! Did I wake up your phone?

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