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Has no writer
ever dealt with the dramatic aspect of the
unopened envelope? I cannot recall such a
passage in any of my authors, and yet to my mind
there is much matter for philosophy in what is
always the expressionless shell of a boundless
possibility. Your friend may run after you in
the street, and you know at a glance whether his
news is to be good, bad, or indifferent; but in
his handwriting on the breakfast-table there is
never a hint as to the nature of his
communication. Whether he has sustained a loss
or an addition to his family, whether he wants
you to dine with him at the club or to lend him
ten pounds, his handwriting at least will be the
same, unless, indeed, he be offended, when he
will generally indite your name with a studious
precision and a distant grace quite foreign to
his ordinary caligraphy.
These reflections, trite enough as I know, are
nevertheless inevitable if one is to begin one's
unheroic story in the modern manner, at the
latest possible point. That is clearly the point
at which a waiter brought me the fatal letter
from Catherine Evers. Apart even from its
immediate consequences, the letter had a prima
facie interest, of no ordinary kind, as the
first for years from a once constant
Crime Doctor
In the course of his meteoric career as
Secretary of State for the Home Department, the
Right Honorable Topham Vinson instituted many
reforms and earned the reformer's whack of
praise and blame. His methods were not those of
the permanent staff; and while his notorious
courage endeared him to the young, it was not in
so strong a nature to leave friend or foe
lukewarm. An assiduous contempt for tradition
fanned the flame of either faction, besides
leading to several of those personal adventures
which were as breath to the Minister's
unregenerate nostrils, but which never came out
without exposing him to almost universal
censure. It is matter for thanksgiving that the
majority of his indiscretions were unguessed
while he and his held office; for he was never
so unconventional as in pursuance of those
enlightened tactics on which his reputation
rests, or in the company of that kindred spirit
who had so much to do with their inception.
It was early in an autumn session that this
remarkable pair became acquainted. Mr. Vinson
had been tempted by the mildness of the night to
walk back from Westminster to Portman Square. He
had just reached home when he heard his name
cried from some little distance behind him...


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