- Libros en formato ePub -
Penrose Mystery
I have been
asked to make my contribution to the curious
history of the disappearance of Mr. Daniel
Penrose, and I accordingly do so; but not
without reluctance and a feeling that my
contribution is but a retailing of the smallest
of small beer. For the truth is that of that
strange disappearance I knew nothing at the
time, and, even now, my knowledge is limited to
what I have learned from those who were directly
concerned in the investigation. Still, I am
assured that the little that I have to tell will
elucidate the accounts which the investigators
will presently render of the affair, and I shall,
therefore, with the above disclaimer, proceed
with my somewhat trivial narrative...
Stoneware Monkey
THE profession of medicine has a good
many drawbacks in the way of interrupted meals,
disturbed nights and long and strenuous working
hours. But it has its compensations, for a
doctor's life is seldom a dull life. Compared,
for instance, with that of a civil servant or a
bank official, it abounds in variety of
experience and surroundings, to say nothing of
the intrinsic interest of the work in its
professional aspects. And then it may happen at
any moment that the medical practitioner's
duties may lead him into the very heart of a
drama or a tragedy or bring him into intimate
contact with crime...