Painting with Barry

I don’t know why Barry helped me out with a job all those years ago. Perhaps he took pity on me, or maybe he really needed someone to help him. Who knows? The thing is he gave me a hand when I really needed it and I’ll always appreciate his kindness.
I’d just arrived in Spain from France with my girlfriend and we really needed money. She found work as a barmaid in an English pub, but the wages were poor and we had arrived in Spain with hardly any cash.
Barry worked in real estate. I think he was buying and selling houses privately. We started talking and he offered me some temporary work painting an empty house in the area. I’d had some experience house painting so I jumped at the chance.
Then Barry suggested I painted his house. When I got there I was surprised how clean and white the walls were. It didn’t really need painting and I think Barry was just trying to help me get on my feet.
I only did those two jobs for him and eventually we fell out of touch. I won’t forget him, though. It’s not often that someone goes out of their way to offer a helping hand while at the same time making it look like it was me who was doing him the favour!

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