- Libros en formato MOBI -
A wild bleak-looking
coast, with huge water-worn promontories jutting
out into the sea, daring the tempestuous fury of
the waves, which dashed furiously in sheets of
seething foam against the iron rocks. Two of
these headlands ran out for a considerable
distance, and at the base of each, ragged cruel-looking
rocks stretched still further out into the ocean
until they entirely disappeared beneath the
heaving waste of waters, and only the sudden
line of white foam every now and then streaking
the dark green waves betrayed their treacherous
presence to the idle eye. Between these two
headlands there was about half a mile of yellow
sandy beach on which the waves rolled with a
dull roar, fringing the wet sands with many
coloured wreaths of sea-weed and delicate shells.
At the back the cliffs rose in a kind of semi-circle,
black and precipitous, to the height of about a
hundred feet, and flocks of white seagulls who
had their nests therein were constantly circling
round, or flying seaward with steadily expanded
wings and discordant cries. At the top of these
inhospitable-looking cliffs a line of pale green
betrayed the presence of vegetation, and from
thence it spread inland into vast-rolling
pastures ending far away at the outskirts of the
bush, above which could be seen giant mountains
with snow-covered ranges...
Girl from Malta
It was a calm southern night, with a
silver moon shining serenely in a cloudless sky,
and over the glittering expanse of ocean steamed
the P. and O.’s vessel “Neptune” on her way from
Brindisi to Malta. Every revolution of her
powerful engines sent her plunging through the
blue waters, with the waves breaking in tumbling
masses of white foam from her towering sides.
The passengers, numbering about three hundred,
were all in high spirits, having had a most
delightful voyage from Australia, and were
looking forward, with pleasure, to their arrival
at Valletta on the morrow...

