Let me tell you a few things about
a trip the school is organizing to the
Japanese Museum in Oxford. We’ll travel by train and it leaves at 8.45,
so we need to be at the train station 15 minutes before, so we’re
the school in the mini bus at 8.15. Please don’t be late!
We’ve organized a guided tour of the museum for you, and at 11 we’re
going to see a judo demonstration which sounds very exciting. So, don’t
forget your camera!
We’ll have lunch in the museum cafeteria and we’ll need to take the 4.30
train back here so that we arrive at 5pm.
Today’s the 4th of June and we’ll be going on the trip a week from now
June 11th. It’s a Thursday. If you’re interested, the tickets cost 18
and that includes the train, entrance to the museum and the Judo show,
but lunch is not included.
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