- Libros en formato ePub -
Crimson Circle
It is a ponderable
fact that had not the 29th of a certain
September been the anniversary
of Monsieur Victor Pallion's birth, there would
have been no Crimson Circle mystery; a
dozen men, now dead, would in all probability be
alive, and Thalia Drummond would
certainly never have been described by a
dispassionate inspector of police as "a thief
the associate of thieves."...
Rightly speaking, it is improper, not to say
illegal, for those sadly privileged few who go
and out of Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, to
have pointed out to them any particular
character, however notorious he may have been or
to what heights of public interest his
infamy had carried him, before the testifying
doctors and a merciful jury consigned him to
this place without hope...