Modern Air Travel

When was the last time you flew anywhere? Did you have a good experience?
Most people like to travel. The thrill and excitement of seeing different places and learning
about new cultures is an enviable thing. But do you agree with me that it’s often spoiled by
the fact that you have to deal with airports.
When I was a kid there was nothing more exciting than the roar of the jet engines as the
plane sped along the runway and took off into the clouds. Of course, in those days my mum
and dad took care of the travel documents, carried my luggage and security checks were
barely an inconvenience.
Now I get frustrated by endless queuing, invasive security checks, bad in-flight service,
regular delays and lost suitcases. Somehow, the magic I saw with my child’s eyes has been lost.
So if flying is no longer an enjoyable experience, how can we deal with it?
My approach is to take the line of least resistance. This involves a good book for the queues,
music and podcasts for the flight and one or two sleeping pills for the journey.
Make sure you always have enough bottled water and snacks in your bag in case of delays and
put a full change of clothes in your carry-on bag for when your suitcase doesn’t arrive at the other
end. Call me a pessimist, but I’ve learned to be prepared for the worst.

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