Gramática: For, During and While

- How to use during
During is a preposition which is used before a noun (during + noun) to say when something happens. It does not tell us how long it happened.
For example:
  "Nobody spoke during the meeting."
  "We don’t get any snow here in Valencia during the winter."
  "During my childhood I lived on a farm."
- How to use while
When is used to talk about two things that are happening at the same time.
The length of time is not important. Remember that while is used with a subject and a verb (while + subject + verb).
For example:
  "The phone rang while (or when) I was having a shower."
  "I met my girlfriend while (or when) we were travelling in South America."
  "I’ll speak to you when (not XwhileX) I finish my work."
- How to use for
For is a preposition which is used with a period of time to say how long something goes on:
  "We’ve been podcasting for 2 months."
  "I’ve been living in Valencia for 16 years."
  "Reza has been teaching English for 20 years."
  "Craig has known Reza for a while" (un rato)

Vocabulary Corner: Travel words

Trip (countable noun) / travel (is an uncountable noun and a verb)
To go on a trip
to go on a business trip
Journey –
The journey from Madrid to Valencia takes about 3 and a half hours
Flight (noun) / Fly (verb)
Reza’s flight to Belfast was about two and half hours. He took a flight from Alicante.
Voyage – travelling by ship or in space
Cruise – Reza has never been on a cruise. He’d like to cruise around the Mediterranean.
The titanic wasn’t a cruise. It didn’t stop at many different places.

Phrasal verb: To pick up

Can you pick up that box for me, it’s very heavy. (literal)
I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you to the airport. (Idiomatic) – to drop off
"Pick me up at my hotel and drop me off at the airport."
I’ll give you a lift – Can you give me a lift to the supermarket?
Give me a ride (American English)
A gin and tonic is a ‘pick me up’.
I picked up a girl at a party yesterday, but she wouldn’t give me her phone number. (Idiomatic)
to pick up/to chat up = ligar
to get off with (a girl/boy) = to kiss etc……

Pronunciación: Greetings

How are you? – I’m fine
How’s it going? – Fine, what about you?
How’re you doing? – I’m great, and you?
What’s up?
G’day! (Australia)
good morning (in Ireland) NOT X"Top of the morning to you!"X

Reza’s Top Tip: Job Interviews

Search on YouTube for "job interviews"
Record yourself with a camcorder or with your mobile phone.
Use video to improve your body language and pronunciation.


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