Chess – The game of Kings
Chess is one of the most popular board
games in the world, although strangely, no one
is exacly sure where it originates from.
Initially regarded as the ‘Royal Game’, because it was played by the
upper clases, chess
is now enjoyed worldwide by every class and economic background.
It is believed that chess originated in India, a by-product of the
Indian game Chaturanga.
Others say it comes from Persia. Whatever its origins, most agree that
chess is designed to
simulate war. The King is the commander-in-chief and under his command
are horses,
warriors, castles and footsoldiers.
The stongest of all pieces is the Queen which can move any number of
spaces in any direction.
Many changes to the rules of the game have happened over the years, but
the rules were
standardized in the 1850’s. A group of European chess enthusiasts
organized a chess club in
London and formed the official rules of the game.
These days, chess is supervised by F.I.D.E (the Fédération
Internationale des Echecs) which
was founded in 1924. It looks like chess is here to stay, perhaps even
longer than the
popularity of Kings and Queens!
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