Long-term Goals

We all know that December is a time for reflection and in January we often make resolutions
that we don’t keep, or that last until mid-February at the latest.

I stopped making New Year’s resolutions years ago. What’s the point? Another post-Christmas
diet, another gym membership or weekly work or study plan. I’m tired of turning over a new
leaf every January, only to see the old leaf come back a few weeks, or even days, later.

So I want to suggest a different approach. Focus on long-term goals. Most of us have a few
days off during Christmas and the New Year. Take that time to look back on the year and ask
yourself if you are on the correct path and going in the right direction to achieve your long-term

If you don’t have long-term goals, think about what you want your future to look like and write
it down. Do you want to retire at 50? Travel the world? Have a million euros in the bank? Lose
20 kilos? Buy a Ferrari? Start a family and move to the countryside? A dream becomes a goal
when you write it down and then start planning a way to reach it. Why not do this in 2016?

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