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Hewitt Investigator
Hewitt es un personaje genial que ejerce
las funciones de detective y que es capaz de deducir al instante a
partir del
examen de las pistas, la solución de un misterio. En su mayor parte los
argumentos de estas historias cortas son sólidos
y muy ingeniosos, aunque los personajes principales carecen de una
profunda psicología. Las obras de Martin Hewitt son
novelas que se leen con facilidad y que proporcionan gratos momentos de
Red Triangle
"I have already recorded many of the adventures of my friend
Martin Hewitt, but among them there have been more of a
certain few which were discovered to be related together in a very
extraordinary manner; and it is to these that I am now
at liberty to address myself. There may have been others—cases which gave
no indication of their connection with these;
some of them indeed I may have told without a suspicion of their
connection with the Red Triangle; but the first in which
that singular accompaniment became apparent was the matter of Samuel's
diamonds. The case exhibited many interesting
features, and I was very anxious to report it, with perhaps even less
delay than I had thought judicious in other cases; but
Hewitt restrained me."
chronicles of Martin Hewitt
"I had been working double tides for a month: at night on my
morning paper, as usual; and in the morning on an evening
paper as locum tenens for another man who was taking a holiday. This was
an exhausting plan of work, although it only
actually involved some six hours' attendance a day, or less, at the two
offices. I turned up at the headquarters of my own
paper at ten in the evening, and by the time I had seen the editor,
selected a subject, written my leader, corrected the slips,
chatted, smoked, and so on, and cleared off, it was very usually one
o'clock. This meant bed at two, or even three, after supper
at the club."
of Mean Streets
Una brillante evocación de una comunidad estrecha y unida - la de
las calles del East End de Londres a finales del Siglo XIX.
Morrison sabía que los habitantes de su East End no eran una raza aparte,
pero los hombres y mujeres comunes, malviviendo
tal vez, no eran criminales ni mendigos. Arthur Morrison narró sus
aventuras y desventuras, sus alegrías y sus desgracias, con
simpatía, humor y una perfecta mezcla de comedia y tragedia.