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 Half a Hero
In the garden the question was settled without serious difference of opinion. If Sir Robert Perry really could not go on—and Lady Eynesford was by no means prepared to concede even that—then Mr. Puttock, bourgeois as he was, or Mr. Coxon, conceited and priggish though he might be, must come in. At any rate, the one indisputable fact was the impossibility of Mr. Medland: this was, to Lady Eynesford's mind, axiomatic, and, in the safe privacy of her family circle (for Miss Scaife counted as one of the family, and Captain Heseltine and Mr. Flemyng did not count at all), she went so far as to declare that, let the Governor do as he would (in the inconceivable case of his being so foolish as to do anything of the kind), she at least would not receive Mr. Medland. Having launched this hypothetical thunderbolt, she asked Alicia Derosne to give her another cup of tea. Alicia poured out the tea, handed it to her sister-in-law, and asked,
"But, Mary, what is there so dreadful about Mr. Medland?"
"Everything," said Lady Eynesford.
"Still," suggested Miss Scaife, "if the creatures are bent on having him——"
"My dear Eleanor, what is a Governor for?" demanded Lady Eynesford.
"To do as he's told and subscribe to the Cup," interposed Dick Derosne. And he added, "They are having a palaver. Old Perry's been in an hour and a half."
Captain Heseltine and Mr. Flemyng looked at their watches and nodded gravely.
"Poor Willie!" murmured Lady Eynesford. "He'll miss his ride."...

 The God in The Car
"I'm so blind," said Miss Ferrars plaintively. "Where are my glasses?"
"What do you want to see?" asked Lord Semingham.
"The man in the corner, talking to Mr. Loring."
"Oh, you won't know him even with the glasses. He's the sort of man you must be introduced to three times before there's any chance of a permanent impression."
"You seem to recognise him."
"I know him in business. We are, or rather are going to be, fellow-directors of a company."
"Oh, then I shall see you in the dock together some day."
"What touching faith in the public prosecutor! Does nothing shake your optimism?"
"Perhaps your witticisms."
"Peace, peace!"
"Well, who is he?"
"He was once," observed Lord Semingham, as though stating a curious fact, "in a Government. His name is Foster Belford, and he is still asked to the State Concerts."
"I knew I knew him! Why, Harry Dennison thinks great things of him!"
"It is possible."
"And he, not to be behindhand in politeness, thinks greater of Maggie Dennison."...





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