1. We used to make these pieces from wood, but we
to plastic last year.
2. The shopping app we developed last year never saw the
. It was never released.
3. This serves to that we should never neglect our main source of income.
4. Our office is inspected for health and safety on a
5. It’s a good idea to have several income in case one dries up.
1. These boxes won’t fit in my car. We’ll have to take
them in your brother’s van.
2. I think they should ban the use of mobile phones on public transport.
*A través del icono altavoz (speaker) puedes reproducir directamente o
descargar el podcast.
Utiliza el botón derecho del ratón sobre el icono y "Guardar el enlace" para
salvar el fichero de sonido a tu equipo.
Traduce las siguientes frases en INGLÉS al ESPAÑOL.
1. Do they like travelling by plane?
2. I'd like to make an announcement.
3. My family will be waiting for me when I arrive.
4. I think you owe me an apology for last night
5. The display is altogether unacceptable.
1. Conquistar la cima del Everest fue su ambición
2. La ambulancia llegó en cinco minutos para llevar a la víctima del accidente
al hospital.
3. Necesitas cantidades iguales de harina y azúcar.
4. Pepito nació con talento para el arte.
5. El artículo en el periódico fue justo y bien equilibrado.
Escucha el dictado y escribe el texto. Sigue las instrucciones.
1. Listen to the text read at normal speed. (Primero escucha el dictado a una
velocidad normal)
2. DICTATION – Listen and write. Use the pause button on your media player if
you need to.
(Escucha y escribe lo que oyes. Utiliza la pausa en tu reproductor si lo
3. Listen to the text again and check your dictation.
(Escucha el texto de Nuevo y comprueba lo escrito)
Elige la opción correcta para completar las siguientes frases.
1. It is difficult a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not
understanding it.
2. One of the necessary of capitalism in a democracy is political corruption.
3. art is propaganda. It is universally and inescabably propaganda;
sometimes unconsciously, but often deliberately, propaganda.
4. I aimed the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.
5. Fascism is capitalism murder.
Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.
1. How big were the turtle eggs that they found on
the river bank?
2. Which circus performers did the boys imítate?
3. Which lucky charm did Tom lose and then find again?
4. Which boy was the first to decide to go home?
5. Which two activities did Tom mention in order to try to convince his friend
to stay?
Now read the text and answer the questions.
After dinner all the gang went to hunt for turtle
eggs on the side of the river. They walked about pushing sticks into the sand,
and when they found a soft place they went down on their knees and dug with
their hands.
Sometimes, they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole. They were
perfectly round white things a bit smaller than an English walnut. They had a
famous fried-egg feast that night, and another on Friday morning.
After breakfast they went playing and shouting on the sand, and chased each
other round and round, taking off their clothes until they were naked, and then
continued playing in the river further upstream against the strong current,
which took away their legs from under them from time to time and greatly
increased the fun.
From time to time they stopped and splashed water in each other's faces with
their hands. They gradually moved toward each other, turning their faces away to
avoid the water. They fought and wrestled until the best man pushed his
opponent’s head underwater. Then they all came to the surface at the same time,
laughing and gasping for breath.
When they were exhausted, they ran to lie down on the hot sand, covering
themselves with it before running into the water again to repeat the whole
Finally, it occurred to them that their naked skin represented flesh-colored "tights".
So they drew a ring in the sand and had a circus, with three clowns in it. Of
course, each boy wanted to be a clown!
Next, they took out their marbles and played until they got bored. Then Joe and
Huck had another swim, but Tom didn’t go in. He discovered that when he had
kicked off his trousers, he had also kicked off his ankle bracelet. He was
surprised that he had escaped any physical problem without the protection of
this mysterious lucky charm. He didn’t join the fun again until he had found it,
and by that time the other boys were tired and ready to rest.
They gradually separated and began to feel a bit sad. The looked across the wide
river to where the village lay sleeping in the sun. Tom wrote "BECKY" in the
sand with his big toe. Then he rubbed it out, and was angry with himself for his
weakness. But he wrote it again, nevertheless. He could not help it.
He erased it once more and then took himself out of temptation by calling the
other boys together and joining them.
But Joe's mood had gone down almost beyond saving. He was so homesick that he
could hardly stand the misery of it. He was close to tears. Huck was melancholy,
too. Tom was a bit depressed, but tried hard not to show it. He had a secret
which he was not ready to tell, yet, but if this group depression was not broken
up soon, he would have to bring it out. He said, with a great show of
"I bet there's been pirates on this island before, boys. We'll explore it again.
They've hidden treasures here somewhere. How would you feel about finding an old
chest full of gold and silver?"
But it caused only a little enthusiasm, which soon died, with no reply. Tom
tried one or two other techniques, but they failed, too. It was discouraging
work. Joe sat poking at the sand with a stick and looking very miserable.
Finally, he said:
"Oh, boys, let's give it up. I want to go home. It's so lonely."
"Oh no, Joe, you'll feel better soon," said Tom. "Just think of the fishing
that's here."
"I don't care much for fishing. I want to go home."
"But, Joe, there isn’t a better place to swim anywhere."
"Swimming's no good. I don't care much about that either. It’s not the same when
there’s no one to tell me not to go in. I want to go home.
"Oh, you’re such a baby! You want to see your mother, I suppose."
"Yes, I do want to see my mother, and you would, too, if you had one. I’m no
more of a baby than you are." And Joe cried a little.
"Well, we'll let the cry-baby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck? Poor thing.
Does it want to see its mother? And so it shall. You like it here, don't you,
Huck? We'll stay, won't we?"
Huck said, "Y-e-s",without any enthusiasm.
"I'll never speak to you again as long as I live," said Joe, standing up and
moving away, moodily. He began to get dressed.
"Who cares!" said Tom. "Nobody wants you to. Go home and get laughed at. Oh,
you're a nice pirate. Huck and me aren't cry-babies. We'll stay, won't we, Huck?
Let him go if he wants to. I think we can get along without him just fine."
But Tom was uneasy, nevertheless, and was alarmed to see Joe miserably getting
dressed. And then it was discomforting to see Huck looking at Joe's preparations
so enviously, and staying totally silent.
Then, without saying a word, Joe began to walk in the water in the direction of
the Illinois shore. Tom's heart began to sink. He looked quickly at Huck.
Huck could not bear the look, and dropped his eyes. Then he said:
"I want to go, too, Tom. It was getting so lonely anyway, and now it'll be
worse. Why don’t we go as well, Tom?"
"I won't! You can all go, if you want to. I’m going to stay."
"Tom, I better go."
"Well, go on then, who’s stopping you?"
... to be continued!
* The text has been adapted from the Adventures
of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain
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