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 * MansionTravel

 * Curso de Inglés de Negocios
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Aprende el inglés


Descarga libros gratis en inglés Descarga Gratis 4 libros completos en inglés de Arthur Conan Doyle que podrás leer en tu PC, ebook reader, tablet, smartpone, ipad, etc. e imprimirlos si lo deseas (*libros en formato PDF y ePub).
Títulos: Adventure of the Bruce Partington Plans, The Disapearance of Lady Frances Carfax, The Lost World, Tales of Terror and Mistery.

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Arthur Conan Doyle

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Asocia cada imagen con la definición más apropiada.



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Consejos para mejorar tu inglésAccede a más ejercicios de Vocabulario con imágenes de nivel Básico.

 Completa las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta. Sigue el ejemplo.

 1Ejemplo: We to Paris last weekend. (DRIVE)
1. I English for an hour and a half last night. (STUDY)
2. Where your parents born? (BE)
3. My sister can’t . (DRIVE)
4. We didn’t out at the weekend. (GO)
5. I usually dressed before I have breakfast. (GET)
6. My mum in a hospital. (WORK)

Gramática inglesa
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Gramática Inglesa Online

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Elige la palabra correcta para completar cada frase.

1. What would you like for ?
2. I think I’ll have with my hamburger.
3. Excuse me, can we see the ?
4. Would you like to , sir?
5. I’ll have the fish and my wife would like the .
6. That was a lovely meal. Can we have the , please?

Diccionario online

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Listening Practice
Haz click para escuchar Escucha y contesta a las preguntas.

1. ¿A qué hora se levantó?

2. ¿Qué ha tomado para desayunar?

3. ¿Qué tiempo hacía?

4. ¿Cómo va a su trabajo?

Haz click para escuchar Ahora escucha de nuevo y escribe las palabras que faltan en el texto

This morning
This morning I woke up early. It was 6.30 when I got out of bed and went downstairs for . The house was dark and quiet. Only the was awake.
I made some tea and toast and looked out the . It was raining. Slowly I got dressed and put on my warm winter clothes. Today I’m going to need my heavy and , I thought, as I picked up the keys to my motorbike and went out the .

·Sección de Listening
·Sección de Ejercicios
·Sección de Práctica

Diccionario online

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     Lee la transcripción /  Haz click para escucharEscucha de nuevo.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés Puedes encontrar más ejercicios de inglés de nivel básico en nuestra web y en los cuadernos anteriores.
Facebook La Mansión del InglésEn nuestro canal de Facebook dispones de ejercicios de inglés publicados diariamente.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésSi quieres mejorar tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.

GRAMMAR – Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing.

- To express how you feel or your feelings about something or someone use .....ed
- To express what something or someone is like use

The lesson was boring and we were all totally bored (by the lesson)
Everyone was frightened. The film was really frightening.

  Write an adjective ending in "...ed" or "" in the spaces

1. The documentary was . I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. (fascinate)
2. They were when they heard the news about Simon's sex change. (shock)
3. It’s really when your neighbours wake up early and start drilling holes in the walls at 6am! (irritate)
4. I was very with the book. After such good reviews I expected much more. (disappoint)
5. It was a long drive and I finally arrived home feeling absolutely (exhaust)
6. I asked her when she was having the baby. She said that she wasn't pregnant, just a bit fat. It was very (embarrass)
7. After smoking some marijuana, Pepito felt completely . (relax)
8. We are very with your CV. How soon can you come to see us for an interview? (impress)

Gramática de La Mansión del Inglés
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VOCABULARY - Phrasal Verbs with TAKE
Replace the BOLD words with a phrasal verb with TAKE and make any necessary changes to the new sentence. Follow the example.

Our three children and the big house pretty much occupy nearly all of my free time.
Our three children and the big house pretty much nearly all of my free time.

1. I am similar to my dad in many ways.
    I my dad in many ways.
2. I think you should return it to the shop and ask for a refund.
    I think you should to the shop and ask for a refund.
3. They are shortening my new trousers and the sleeves of the jacket. Don't worry, it'll be ready in time for the wedding.
    They are my new trousers and the sleeves of the jacket. Don't worry, it'll be ready in time for the wedding.
4. I think you’ve offended them. You should have removed your shoes before you went inside the house.
    I think you’ve offended them. You should have your shoes before you went inside the house.
5. Would you mind looking after the baby while I go to the shops for half an hour?
    Would you mind the baby while I go to the shops for half an hour?
6. I didn’t like sushi either the first time I tasted it.
    I didn’t sushi either the first time I tasted it.
7. If you have a family emergency, you are allowed three days free from work.
    If you have a family emergency, you are allowed three days from work.
8. It was a good idea of yours to start playing tennis. It looks like you've lost a lot of weight.
    It was a good idea of yours to tennis. It looks like you've lost a lot of weight.
9. The company aren’t employing any more staff for the moment.
    The company aren’t any more staff for the moment.
10.My boss is hiring someone to replace our computer technician.
    My boss is hiring someone to our computer technician.

Vocabulario Inglés / Español
Vocabulario Inglés-Español
con Sonido y Ejercicios resueltos


Diccionario online

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Listening Practice
 Before you listen about the city of Copenhagen, read the following questions

1. How old is Copenhagen?

2. In which year was Copenhagen rated the richest city in terms of gross earnings in the world?

3. How long is the Stroget shopping area?

4. What has Copenhagen been called as a result of its environment-friendly policies?

5. How many students are studying in its universities and institutions?

    Haz click para escuchar Now listen and answer the questions.

Listen again and write the missing words in the following transcription.

Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen!
Have you ever been to Copenhagen? If you have, you’ll know why I’ve to write about it. But if you’ve never visited this city, let me ask you to name 5 facts about it.
Most of you know, I’m sure, that is the capital of Denmark. But what do you know about this 1000-year-old city?
Do you know, for example, that it is one of the major financial centres of Northern Europe, and was rated third city in the world in terms of gross earnings in 2012? In 2009 it was in first place!
The Stroget offers the longest car-free shopping zone in Scandinavia. In the 1960s, Copenhagen leaders created this mile-long area for shops, dining and street . The design of the Stroget was soon adopted by other world cities.
Copenhagen attracts politicians and town planners from all over the world to study its , district heating system or its waste management. In various respects Copenhagen is a for many of the world’s big cities when it comes to sustainable town development. It has been called the first carbon neutral capital in the world.
With nearly 100,000 students studying at its universities and institutions and with such as the Little Mermaid Statue, Tivoli Gardens and Royal palaces, it’s no wonder Copenhagen is becoming a ‘must see’ destination for foreign tourists.

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·Sección de Práctica

Diccionario online

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     Lee la transcripciónEscucha nuestro podcast para aprender inglés / Haz click para escuchar Listen again.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés Puedes encontrar en nuestra web más ejercicios de inglés así como prácticas de inglés y también consultar nuestros cuadernos anteriores.
Facebook La Mansión del InglésEn nuestro canal de Facebook dispones de ejercicios de inglés publicados diariamente.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésSi quieres mejorar tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.

Gerund or Infinitive?
Some verbs can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive, resulting in a slight change in meaning.

Finish the following sentences and then check to see if you have correctly used a gerund and the infinitive after each verb.

1. GO ON
If I can’t do something, I go on

After winning Wimbledon, Rafa Nadal went on

When I was very young, I remember

Before leaving the office, I have to remember

Before leaving the office, I mustn’t forget

That’s it! I’ve decided to stop

On his way home, he stopped

Having a job means

I have always meant

5. TRY
To save energy, we should try not

To get rid of spyware and mailware on your computer, try

I have always regretted not

Unfortunately, we regret

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Grammar - More Linking words.
Choose the best linking expression to complete the sentences.

1. All flights to and from Detroit have been cancelled the weather.
2. If I were you, I’d take a copy of your passport and insurance documents you lose them.
3. I got up at 5.30 am this morning doing a couple of hours work before breakfast.
4. I bought myself a laptop I can do some work during my long train ride to and from work every day.
5. I think you should take your time developing your mobile phone application, it won’t look professional and it probably won’t work very well.
6. Pepito sent the letter by registered mail to make sure it arrived safely.
Gramática práctica

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Listening Practice

 Before you listen to a man speaking about corporal punishment in school, read the following questions.

1. According to the speaker, was the cane an effective form of punishment?

2. How many times did the speaker get ‘caned’ and ‘slippered’ during his time at secondary school?

3. Was ‘Rollerchairs’ a violent game?

4. Did the speaker stop the game as soon as the headmaster came into the room?

5. What do you think ‘it all’ refers to in the final paragraph?

   Haz click para escuchar Now listen and answer the questions

Listen again and write the missing words.

Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment they used to call it. I would call it a in the arse, because that’s where the teachers used to hit us.
According to Wikipedia, Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed .
It didn’t really work. Not in my opinion, anyway. I can’t ever remember not doing something bad at school because I might get the cane or the slipper, and that would probably to my friends, too.
‘The cane’ was a long flexible bamboo stick that was whacked across your rear end or the tops of your legs while you were a desk or touching your toes. ‘The slipper’ was a gym shoe, plimpsole or used in a similar way. Believe me, it brought the to one’s eyes!
I was caned twice and slippered once during my 6 years at secondary school in the UK. Not a bad record, . Many of my Friends had reached doublé figures before they went off to the relative santuary of university or the dole queue.
We played a game which was on Rollerball, from the film of the same name. We called it Rollerchairs. We’d sit on a hard plastic chairs and push ourselves backwards with our feet around the classroom in a race to see who was the fastest. There were no rules. We could , and as much as was needed to eliminate our opponents.
One lunchtime, in the middle of a heated race, the headmaster came in the class and I was concentrating so much on repeatedly kicking the back of the chair in front of me that I didn’t notice him towering over me, nor the in the class, save the ‘bang’, bang’, ‘bang’ of my foot on the back of the chair of the boy me.
Suddenly, I noticed the quiet in the room and I with a start, knocking the headmasters coffee cup from his hand and it all down the front of his clean white shirt and green jacket. I was caned for that, 10 times!


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·Sección de Ejercicios
·Sección de Práctica
Diccionario online

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     Lee la transcripción / Haz click para escuchar Listen again.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés Puedes encontrar en nuestra web más ejercicios de inglés así como prácticas de inglés y también consultar nuestros cuadernos anteriores.
Facebook La Mansión del InglésEn nuestro canal de Facebook dispones de ejercicios de inglés publicados diariamente.

Business English

Match the idiom with the correct definition.

a) when you learn the basics of something.
b) this is when you talk about something that will probably happen.
c) when you start something over again from the beginning
d) perhaps the most effective form of promotion, If something spreads like this, people hear about it by informal conversation with friends, family members, acquaintances, etc.
e) this is when something is given without expecting anything in return
f) this means to tell someone that he or she did a good job.

1. back to the drawing board
2. give someone a pat on the back
3. learn the ropes
4. no strings attached
5. safe bet
6. word of mouth

Curso de Inglés de Negocios
Curso de Inglés de Negocios
Descarga Gratis
"El Arte de la Guerra"

Consulta las soluciones

Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise.

1. The original campaign wasn't successful. We have to go .
2. We’ve been given some new parachutes to test at no charge and with . If we don’t them, we can send them back at no cost to us.
3. In Valencia, a lot of local businesses rely on to get new customers.
4. We all gave Pepito for thinking of such a great marketing idea.
5. It's that we’ll have self-driving cars on the roads in 10 years time.
6. I’m starting to in my new job as personal assistant.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésAprende el vocabulario relacionado con la oficina o con la economía y comercio.

Diccionario online

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Consejos para mejorar tu inglésAccede a más ejercicios de inglés comercial y de negocios.





- Indica posesión.

She has a big house in Ireland / Tiene una gran casa en Irlanda

- Tomar (alimentos)

I have breakfast at seven in the morning / Tomo el desayuno a las siete de la mañana
I don't have coffee / Yo no tomo café

- Dar (una fiesta, un paseo, una mirada...)

We're having a party next Saturday / Vamos a dar una fiesta el próximo sábado
I usually have a walk on Saturday mornings / Normalmente doy un paseo los sábados por la mañana
Can I have a look at your magazine? / ¿Puedo dar un vistazo a su revista?

- Se usa habitualmente en modismos (frases hechas). La estructura más frecuente (no la única) es:
'to have' + 'a' + sustantivo

To have a rest / Descansar
To have a swim / Nadar
To have a walk / Pasear

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés Consulta nuestra completa gramática inglesa práctica para ampliar tus conceptos del lenguaje.
Facebook La Mansión del InglésEn nuestro canal de Facebook dispones de más conceptos gramaticales para aprender inglés publicados diariamente.

*Archivos de sonido que se descargan para ser escuchados en cualquier momento y lugar, generalmente en un dispositivo portátil.

A través del altavoz (speaker) puedes reproducir directamente o descargar el podcast de este mes. Utiliza el botón derecho del ratón sobre el icono y "Guardar el enlace" para salvar el fichero de sonido a tu equipo.
*Consulta como puedes aprovechar mejor los podcast.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés-
Puedes encontrar listenings para practicar de varios niveles en nuestra web así como ejercicios en audio y prácticas con audio.
- Accede a los Podcast ya publicados. Puedes conseguir también nuestros Podcast desde o itunes.


Traduce las siguientes frases en INGLÉS al ESPAÑOL.

  Diccionario online
1. He shaved his beard to look younger.
2. You should shake the medicine before you take it.
3. I want to thank you for your help.
4. Do they like travelling?
5. She loves having/to have breakfast in bed.

Consulta las soluciones

Traduce las siguientes frases en ESPAÑOL al INGLÉS.

  Diccionario online
1. Odia (él) trabajar con el ordenador.
2. Odio oír a los politicos.
3. No le gusta (a ella) hacer deporte.
4. ¿Os gusta ver películas en versión original?
5. No me gusta ir a sitios ruidosos.

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Consejos para mejorar tu inglésMás ejercicios de traducción de inglés / español y español / inglés
Descarga Programas Gratis para ayudarte con tus traducciones o en la comprensión de textos.


Escucha el dictado y escribe el texto. Sigue las instrucciones.

Curso de Inglés en audio Mansionauto 1. Listen to the text read at normal speed. (Primero escucha el dictado a una velocidad normal)
2. DICTATION – Listen and write. Use the pause button on your media player if you need to.
(Escucha y escribe lo que oyes. Utiliza la pausa en tu reproductor si lo necesitas)

3. Listen to the text again and check your dictation. (Escucha el texto de Nuevo y comprueba lo escrito)

Consulta las soluciones

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésAccede a más ejercicios de dictados en inglés y amplia tu vocabulario en inglés y español con pronunciación y ejercicios prácticos resueltos.


-What's the difference between completed and finished?Diccionario online
During a recent linguistic conference in London, Samsunder Balgobin, a linguist from Guyana, was asked about the difference between the words 'completed' and 'finished'.
The questions was this, "Some say there is no difference between 'complete' and 'finished'. Please explain the difference in a way that's easy to understand.
Mr. Balgobin's response was, "When you marry the right woman, you are 'complete'.
If you marry the wrong woman, you are 'finished'.
And, if the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are 'completely finished'".

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésPuedes encontrar actividades y más humor en inglés en nuestra sección de recursos.


Elige la opción correcta para completar las siguientes frases.

1. If you can it, you can do it.
2. you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.
3. to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
4. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue .
5. Times and conditions change rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.

Consulta las soluciones

¿Quién es el autor de las frases anteriores?

  Ejercicios Quiz en inglés

Consejos para mejorar tu inglésAccede a más Quiz Gramaticales y a frases célebres en inglés en nuestra sección de recursos.


READING - Comprensión de lectura

Before you read a text, read the following comprehension questions.

1. The popular American podcast Serial was the fastest to reach how many downloads?

2. How many podcasts in total were in the survey which was given to the writer’s colleagues at the British Council?

3. Which of the following catagories was not a criteria in the survey?
  a) presentation
  b) entertainment
  c) number of downloads
  d) production quality
  e) usability
  f) content
4. Which podcast is probably not suitable for you if you have an intermediate (B2) level or below?

5. Which podcast has a paid subscription service if you want more detailed lessons?

Now read the text and answer the questions.
The 5 best Podcasts for you to improve your English

Podcasts are becoming more and more popular. Especially since the American podcast series Serial broke records on iTunes as the fastest podcast to reach 5 million downloads. But how can podcasts help you improve your English?

It may surprise you to know that there are many English language podcasts that are made specifically to help you improve your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and English language skills. The problem is, like most things on the internet, there are good ones and, well, not so good ones!
Last week I gave a presentation on podcasting at the British Council in Valencia, and I asked 24 teachers to vote on their favourite educational English teaching podcasts from a list of 15 podcasts that I’d chosen. The 15 podcasts that I’d selected were all podcasts that I’d discovered during the last 6 years of being involved in podcasting for English teaching.

So, now I have the results, and I’m going to share the 5 podcasts that received the most votes from the teachers.Diccionario online

I asked the teachers to think about the following áreas when they voted:

· The content of the podcast: What are the students learning?
· Entertainment value: Is the podcast fun and entertaining to listen to?
· Production quality: Is the audio clear? Does it sound professional?
· Presentation: Is it well-planned and presented?
· Usability: Would the teaches use it with their students, or encourage their students to listen to it in their free time?

In reverse order of 5 to 1, here are the results and the British Council Teachers’ choice. These podcasts are also available on iTunes:

5. Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips

This American English podcast from Mignon Fogarty is for high level students (C1, C2), native speakers and English teachers. I think it was so popular in our survey because it taught our teachers a few grammar points that they didn’t know! If you like the English language, you’ll love this podcast.

4. Luke’s English Podcast

Luke is a teacher and stand-up comedian whose podcast is suitable for intermediate level students (B1 and above). Luke talks about a variety of things on his podcast, from phrasal verbs to British culture, grammar and funny situations he finds himself in. His podcasts are interesting, fresh, educational and have won the Macmillan Dictionary award for several years running.

3. Real Deal English

This is an American English podcast that introduces language with a dialogue which is then analysed for grammar, vocabulary and common expressions. The podcasts are free, but there is a paid option if you want more detailed lessons.

2. British Council Elementary Podcasts

The British Council has a variety of English podcasts at several levels and for different interests. The Elementary podcasts (A2, B1) are presented in a series format and teach grammar and vocabulary in a British cultural context using dialogue. These podcast are an excellent self-study resource for lower level students. You can find all of the British Council podasts here.

1. Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig

Now, I know what you’re thinking! Could it be that the teachers were biased towards our mansioningles podcast Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig? Possibly, but you will have to listen to all five podcasts on this list before you decide if you agree with them. You are the final judge!
In this podcast, for B1 level students and above, we help you with grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and everyday expressions and situations in English.
Please let me know your opinion on all of these podcasts, and if you find any others that you think might be useful to students in our community, please send us an email to: or leave a voice message with your comments at


Consejos para mejorar tu inglésMás ejercicios de Reading y lecturas.

Gramática inglesa de La Mansión del InglésGramática inglesa. Gramática inglesa en PDF explicada en español con ilustraciones, ejemplos en inglés y español, ejercicios prácticos y las soluciones a todos los ejercicios.
Más información  /  Descargue la Gramática
Curso de Inglés en audio de La Mansión del InglésMansión Audio 1 curso en audio en formato mp3 con el que puedes aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla.
Es un nivel de principiantes y está dirigido a todas aquéllas personas que están empezando a aprender inglés.

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Mansión Audio 2 curso en audio en formato mp3 con el que puedes aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla. Continuación del curso Mansión Audio 1.
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Curso de Inglés en audio de La Mansión del InglésMansión Audio 3 curso en audio en formato mp3 con el que puedes aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla. Continuación del curso Mansión Audio 2.
Más información  /  Descargue las lecciones del Curso
Curso de First Certificate Curso de preparación para el examen de FCE.
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Curso de Inglés para hostelería de La Mansión del InglésCurso de inglés para Hostelería. Dirigido a personas que ejercen su actividad en el mundo de la hostelería y la restauración y que necesitan comunicarse en inglés con sus clientes de forma ocasional o habitual.
Más información  /  Descargue el Curso
Teaching Conversation curso de La Mansión del InglésTeaching Conversation Curso de inglés conversacional dirigido a profesores de Inglés. Nivel intermedio (B2).
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101 Lesson Warmers La Mansión del Inglés101 Lesson Warmers Producto dirigido a profesores de inglés que se compone de una colección de 101 actividades para realizar con los alumnos.
Más información  /  Descargue las 101 actividades
  · Curso de Inglés en Audio para Tablet / Smartphone

Aprende inglés con tu iPhone, iPad, iPod
o Windows Phone 7 en cualquier momento y lugar.

Si dispones de un móvil iPhone, un iPad o un iPod touch (nivel I / nivel II) o bien de
un móvil con Windows Phone 7 (nivel I / nivel II) puedes beneficiarte del empleo del
mismo para aprender inglés en cualquier lugar y situación con un curso de inglés en audio
especialmente diseñado para dichos dispositivos y que te permite aprender de forma
práctica, amena y sencilla en cualquier momento aprovechando al máximo tu tiempo.

*El único curso práctico de autoformación en inglés para dispositivos móviles
en audio con apoyo en español, trascripción completa y tests de evolución.

Aprende inglés:

- En el metro
- En el autobús
- En el tren
- Caminando
- En casa
- En el trabajo
- En el supermercado
- En la playa
- En el gimnasio
...donde quieras y cuando quieras


Nuestros productos están también disponibles en un Pack de ahorro Básico, un Pack de ahorro Avanzado o en un Pack Completo, sin gastos de envío y con importantes ventajas y descuentos.
... más información...

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