Manali to Leh

The bus trip from Manali to Leh in the north of India takes three days and crosses some of the highest mountain passes in the world. I’ve done it twice and it’s as uncomfortable as it is beautiful.
The worst thing, in my opinion, is the dirt and the dust. Although for some people it’s crossing the dangerous, high passes and looking down hundreds of metres into the Himalayan valleys below. Your stomach turns over as the bus winds its way around impossible bends and curves in the road.
The funny thing (here I mean funny strange, unusual or odd not laughable or amusing) is that the roads we being repaired in front of us as we were travelling up and down the mountains. The roads get damaged during the winter snowfalls and need to be restored in the spring, so every year the roads are rebuilt.
The second time I made the trip, the bus windscreen shattered and the driver asked to borrow my sunglasses so that he could continue the journey without flies or dust in his eyes.

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