Hello, is that Pepito? Hi! Yes, I’m phoning about tonight.
Of course I’m still going. I’m really looking forward to it and it’s so nice of you to invite me for dinner.
What time should I come? 8 o’clock? Yes, that’s fine. Can I bring anything? Yes, no problem. Red wine’s my favourite.
Of course I’ll bring a bottle.
Well, I don’t like seafood very much, but apart from that I eat anything.
Can you give me your address, I don’t think I have it. 246 Castle Street. Yes I know, it’s near the bus station.
Ok Great, I’ll see you at 8. Cheers!

Cómo aprovechar podcast para aprender inglés Consulta "Cómo mejorar el listening y la comprensión en inglés"
y "Cómo mejorar la pronunciación en inglés".

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