Music Concerts

It’s been a while since I’ve experienced at first hand the electric thrill and charged
atmosphere of a music concert. Many things have changed over the last 30 years or
so, but it seems that listening to live music isn’t one of them.
One of my earliest memories of a live concert is back in the days of punk rock, when
I went to see Ian Dury and the Blockheads at my local cinema.
In those days, cinemas were huge, because they only showed one film. As the concert
started, everyone jumped out of the seats and ran to the front, dancing, singing and
rocking with the music.
Another wonderful memory is of an all-day festival that featured The Police, Squeeze
and UB40. I’m sure there were more bands, but things got a bit hazy towards the end
of the day! It rained a lot and we were slopping about in mud half the time, but that
didn’t spoil our enjoyment.
I’ve seen quite a few live and varied concerts, from George Benson to The Rolling
Stones, from Elton John to Madonna, live jazz and even opera. One of the most enjoyable
was Santana who were live at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The acoustics were amazing
and they played for over three hours with hardly a break.
Fewer and fewer people seem to be buying recorded music these days, partly because of
internet piracy. The low cost of music streaming services like Spotify mean that most
artists are not earning much money at all. How gratifying, then, that musicians can still
earn money by playing to the public and providing us with unforgettable experiences of
live music concerts.

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