The start of my career

I don’t come from a particularly musical family, so it was difficult for my
parents to accept the fact that I wanted to be a professional singer. My
aunt Fran could play the guitar, but she wasn’t very good and my parents
believed that nobody in our family had any musical talent at all.
So, when I announced that at 16 I was going to leave school and go to a
musical academy, they tried to stop me. What made things worse was that
I needed to move to Liverpool which was over 200 miles from our town. They
thought I was too young.
Now that I’m a successful recording artist, I think they regret trying to stop
me. They certainly didn’t complain when I bought them a new flat last year!
Things haven’t been easy for me, but I think things might have been smoother
if my parents had supported me more from the start.

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