- Libros en formato ePub -  

 The Forsaken Inn
An old and dilapidated inn in upstate New York provides the setting for
this gothic mystery involving two couples in the 1700s.
Edwin Urquhart, loved by two sisters, chooses to marry the elder. Arriving
at the Forsaken Inn for their honeymoon, they occupy an apartment
containing a secret chamber. That night, the young bride is murdered and buried
in this secret room. Did her new husband commit the crime—or is something much
more sinister afoot?

 That Affair Next Door
That Affair Next Door is another fascinating study in human motivations
intertwined with bits and pieces of circumstantial evidence that at first
make very little sense. True to Green’s style, she calls up and explains
each motivation, each piece of evidence with mathematical precision until
the mystery unravels and the perpetrator is punished in a most fitting





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