AGM - Annual General Meeting
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
COB - Chairman Of the Board
a/c account
ASAP - as soon as possible
ATM - automated teller machine (Am. English - cash dispenser, Br. English – cashpoint)
Attn - for the attention of
cc - copy to
Co - company
COD - cash on delivery
dept - department
ETA - estimated time of arrival
GDP - gross domestic product
GNP - gross national product
Inc - incorporated
Jr - junior
Ltd - limited company
N/A - not applicable
NB - Nota Bene (Latin - it is important to note)
PA - personal assistant
p.a. - per annum (Latin - per year)
p.w. - per week
Plc - public limited company
p.p. - per pro (Latin - used before signing in a person's absence)
PR - public relations
p.s. - post scriptum (Latin – in Spanish posdata P.D.)
pto - please turn over
qty - quantity
R & D - research and development re with reference to
RSVP - repondez s'il vous plait (French - please reply)
VAT - value added tax
VIP - very important person


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