I was walking down Oxford Street one day
Looking at the shops
When someone asked me if I knew the way
I gave the girl directions
And then saw who it was
I couldn’t think of anything to say.

I hadn’t seen her for a very long time
Since the day we said goodbye.
She hadn’t changed
She still looked young and shy.
I thought perhaps I’d changed so much
She didn’t realise it was me
Then I saw the recognition in her eyes.

We stood in silence for a while.
Then I took her to a bar.
I felt as if I was walking with a ghost.
We drank and began to talk
And then her eyes met mine.
Her eyes had always shown her feelings most.

We talked about the good old days
About family and friends
About the hopes we’d shared before it all went wrong.
She seemed quite pleased to see me
So I ordered two more drinks.
But when I got back to the table she had gone.


© La Mansión del Inglés C.B. - Todos los derechos reservados

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