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Vamos a practicar algunas expresiones útiles en inglés. Primero del nivel básico. Escucha y repite:

¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name? Repite: name – your name - What’s your name? What’s your name?
¿De dónde eres? - Where are you from? Repite: from – you from – Where are - Where are you from? Escucha la intonación; Where are you from? Repite. Where are you from? Where are you from? What’s your name?
¿Cómo estás? - How are you? Repite: Howa – How are you? How are you?
¿Qué hora es? - What time is it? Repite: What time is it. please? What time is it. please?
¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? - How do you spell your name? Repite: your name – spell your name – How do you - How do you spell your name? Con intonación - How do you spell your name? - How do you spell your name?
¿Dónde vives? - Where do you live? Repite: live – you live – do you live - Where do you live? Where do you live?
¿Hablas Español? - Do you speak Spanish? Repite: Spanish – speak Spanish - Do you? - Do you speak Spanish? Intonación - Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?
¿Entiendes? - Do you understand? Repite: understand – you understand - Do you understand? Repite: Do you understand? Do you understand? Very good!

Si quieres decir que estas de acuerdo en inglés, se dice I agree. Repeat: I agree. The verb is to agree, así que no se dice I’m agree (FF sound). What’s the noun, el sustantivo, of the verb to agree? It’s agreement. Se puede decir I’m in agreement, aunque se suena un poco más formal. Repeat: I’m in agreement – ina – in agreement – I’m in agreement – I’m in agreement with you. I’m in total agreement with you. I’m in complete agreement. I agree 100%. I’m 100% in agreement with you.
What’s the opposite of I agree?
I disagree or I don’t agree – no estoy de acuerdo. Repeat: I disagree - I disagree totally. I disagree completely. I completely disagree. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you.
How do we say in English ¿Que piensas tu? - What do you think? Repeat: What do you think? What does she think? What does he think? What do I think? I think you’re crazy.
creo que si en ingles es ‘I think so’ y creo que no es ‘I don’t think so’ Repeat: I think so – Yes, I think so - I don’t think so – no, I don’t think so.
It/that drives me crazy means Me vuelve loco. Repeat: It drives me crazy -That drives me crazy – you drive me crazy – That dog drives me crazy – This traffic is driving me crazy – Shut up! You’re driving me crazy. - She’s so sexy. She drives me crazy
Como se dice ‘no me importa’ en inglés - I don’t care – Repeat: I don’t care - I don’t care. No me importa que pienses – I don’t care what you think. – me importa un bledo/un rábano/un pepino – I couldn’t care less. Repeat: I couldn’t care less. Or I don’t give a damn Repeat: I don’t give a damn
¿A ti qué te importa? – What business is it of yours? Repeat: What business is it of yours? - What business is it of yours?
me gusta - I like it . Remember the object ‘it’. No se suele decir solo ‘I like’ en ingles. You usually like SOMETHING. I like football. I like chocolate and coffee. I like Keira Knightly. I like her. Do you like cycling? Yes, I do. I like it very much. I like IT very much. No olvides el IT.
And the opposite of ‘I like it’ is…………I don’t like it. - no me gusta - Repeat: I don’t like it - no me gusta nada - I don’t like it at all. Los sonidos de las últimas cuatro palabras se juntan, escucha: likeitatall. Repeat: all – atall – itatall – likeitatall - I don’t like it at all. - I don’t like it at all.
!Es genial¡ - It’s brilliant! – It’s great! – it’s fantastic! – It’s wonderful! –It’s cool! – It’s really cool!


Olay. Lets practise some different ways for Asking For An Opinion - Listen and repeat:
Well, what do you think?
What about you?
What’s your view?
How do you see it then?

Good. Now some ways of Giving Your Opinion in English - Listen and repeat:
In my opinion…
I believe that…
Personally, I think…
As I see it…
It seems to me that…
As far as I’m concerned…

Exellent! Now we’ll look at Agreeing - Listen and repeat:
I couldn’t agree more – Repeat: agree more – I couldn’t - I couldn’t agree more - I couldn’t agree more – now with intonation - I couldn’t agree more I couldn’t agree more. I think these podcasts are wonderful. I couldn’t agree more. Spain is a fantastic country – English food is disgusting -
I think so too
You’re quite right
Yes, absolutely
That’s true
Can’t argue with that
That’s a good point
I couldn’t have said it better
I think we see eye to eye on this

That’s great! Now, Disagreeing - Listen and repeat:
I’m afraid I can’t accept that
I’m not sure you’re right there
I’m sorry, I can’t go along with that
I’m afraid I disagree with you

And now some more informal expressions for disagreeing. Listen and repeat:
You’ve got that wrong
You’re dead wrong
You must be joking!

Okay. Next let’s look at ways of Interrupting - Listen and repeat:
Sorry, but…
Just a second…
Can I come in here?
Sorry to interrupt, but…
Excuse me for a second…
Could I just say something?
May I add something here?
Very good. Now Clarifying expressions. It’s important to know how to clarify – clarificar – in English. - Listen and repeat:
So, if I understand correctly, you think…
Actually, what I said was…
Now, let me get this straight…
So, what you’re saying is…
Actually, that’s not what I mean…
No, what I wanted to say was…

Good. And finally some expressions for Returning To The Topic - Volver Al Tema - Listen and repeat:
In any case…
Where was I? Oh yes…
As I was saying…
Yes, but to go back to what I was saying…
Getting back to the point…

Thank you for listening.
That was a Mansion Ingles podcast from Mansioningles.com



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