*Las preguntas del Podcast se incluyen en el mismo fichero de sonido. Para facilitar el mejor aprovechamiento del material, el texto y la información correspondiente al Podcast del mes actual se publicará en el cuaderno del mes próximo.

Podcast del mes anterior:


The day started badly when the taxi picked me up 20 minutes late to drive me to the airport. When he finally got through the rush hour traffic, he dropped me off at departures 30 minutes before the plane was due to take off. I felt sure I was going to miss it.

I had booked my flight on the Internet and printed out an e-ticket. At the airport the check in queue was incredibly long. I didn’t have any suitcases to check in, only hand luggage, so I printed out my boarding pass from a machine near the check in desk. Great! I had my seat number and 10 minutes to get some caffeine at the departure gate before boarding the plane.

I was the last one to get on the plane. I found my seat, next to the aisle, and pushed my laptop case in the overhead locker. Damn! In the seat next to me was a young kid who was crying, throwing crisps and kicking the seat in front of him. Why don’t parents control their children in public? This was going to be a long flight.

I fastened my seat belt and reached for my ipod. Guns and Roses at full volume might help me forget the little monster in the next seat. We took off quickly and the cabin crew came round with warm orange juice and stale sandwiches.

Apart from some turbulence over France, the flight was okay, and we landed on time. I rushed through passport control and customs. Luckily, a very attractive company representative was in the arrival hall to meet me, and she took me to my hotel for a short siesta before the meeting.

Did you answer the questions? Lets check.

1. Did the man miss his flight? No, he didn’t.
2. Who was the man sitting next to during the flight? A young child
3. Did anyone meet him when he arrived at his destination? Yes, an attractive company representative.


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