Moraira, on the Spanish Costa Blanca, has been a small fishing village since the end of the 18th century. With a population of less than 10,000, Moraira is very popular with non-Spanish residents. But why? And why do so many people come to live in Spain? We decided to ask some of them.

Why did you come here?
-Why? Because the weather comfortable
-Because my husband’s a very sad person and he’s got to have the sun all the time.
-The weather.
-Errr… the better..the weather is better. There are not so many rules as in Holland.
-Umm… well, my husband’s health, really. to hopefully get a better life.
-And why did you decide to come to this particular part of Spain?
-Err…’cos (because) our grandkids were here originally. But in the meantime they’ve gone now back to the UK, so…
-And at the end we for the Costa Blanca because this is a living area, not..not ghost town.
-We’re stuck, really!
-I just come out to Spain, and Michelle lived in Spain for the last five years, so I thought I’d just move out and try and start a career over in Spain, and live in Spain. In the sun!
-I saw many parts of the world. And when I came here, I…for me it was one of the parts in Europe. so we are here.
-I am in this restaurant. I run a restaurant.
-And the name of the restaurant?
-Pizza Tiger
-In Moraira?
-In Moraira, yeah.
-To this particular part of Spain because of the good schools. English schools, although I have one child at Spanish school and one at the English school.’s a lovely area.

What are Spanish people like?
-Lovely. The people in this village are lovely.
-Er..nice. Yeah. Quite friendly, I think, yes.
-When you get to know them a little bit better, they are nice, and when you are trying to speak Spanish, erm.. they appre…appreciate that.
-Very nice. Very friendly, yeh.
-What are…what are Spanish people like?
-Lovely, yeh, very nice. Erm..very caring about their children. Erm…and very helpful.
-And..erm..I think the Spanish people are very nice.
-Erm…I think they’re fantastic, to be honest. Er..
-Patient, laid-back. They just take every day as it comes, really. I like that.
-Lovely, very friendly. Very like the Scots. Very hospitable, friendly.
-Most..yeah…most of all they are kind people.

What do you miss about your country?
-My family.
-Not a lot. Nothing really.
Erm..what do you actually miss about your own country?
-Well, nothing really. We go back Scotland for a couple of months every summer, so we see friends and family, and they come out and visit us here, so…I really don’t think there’s much I miss about Scotland. I love going back. I enjoy my two months there, but I’m very happy to be here.
-Nothing. I don’t miss anything.
-Nothing!, since I’m stupid, erm…I miss a lot of cider drinks, Yeah, I do miss my carpets in the morning.
What do you miss most about England?
-That’s a very difficult question. I suppose really family and friends. Although,..erm..I’ve..I’m very lucky that I’m musical, so I belong to the English choir. And I sing in the local church. I think that you do need to meet people and join in activities.
-Erm……she said ‘tell them my mother’.
-I’m missing nothing. You…I..I..have everything I want here. I can buy I have the occasion with the German TV,…if I want German’s I want. I more than in Germany.
-Erm…friends, but..that’s it.
-Not much, because here is the same weather, the same things.
-You don’t miss the food?
-I am every day Italian food!
-And finally, what do you miss most about the UK?


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